Emergency service


Durable Products, Reliable Services

What a heartbreaking experience it is when a product is purchased for home comfort but it ends up giving discomfort by asking for repairs soon after the installation. When does that happen? It happens when the product in the first place is faulty. As a commoner, it is difficult to choose which brand one should rely on, which model to choose and how to figure out the best possible solution for one's home. Often, the need to repair arises earlier merely because of the wrong selection of the product. At Cosmopolitan Mechanical Services Inc. we make the decision making easy by providing our customers with the best of the best HVAC products to choose from while also providing them suggestions on what would work best for them. In Burlington, our one plus point is our top-notch products while the other thing that makes us a priority service is our reliable services. We are no spam neither are we on a hunt of charging extra by deceiving our customers into complex billings. With over a decade of devoted service, we have won not only the trust of GTA homeowners but also their hearts.

In Burlington? How may we help you?

If you're residing in Burlington, glad you've found us because we are serving in your area. Our home comfort Heating and Cooling services in Burlington include:
High-Efficiency Furnace Services
High-Efficiency Water Heater Services
High-Efficiency Boiler Services
High-Efficiency Air Conditioner Services
High-Efficiency Humidifiers Services
Air Filtration Systems & UV Lights

All our services are available with complete solutions of
All home comfort heating and cooling solutions can now be found at one place with Cosmopolitan Mechanical Services Inc.

Get 25% discount on parts replacement:

We don't believe in discrimination. So when we offer, we offer to all! And here's the fascinating thing for you if you're living in Burlington. Now by Subscribing to our Protection Plan, you can get 25% discount on parts replacement. In addition to that, we are also offering $500-$800 FREE labour and maintenance services for our Silver, Gold and Platinum members. For details, visit our Protection Plan page and subscribe now to save like never before. Want to know more about our services in Burlington? Call Now 1-855-245-4328