Air Conditioner maintenance
What if you begin to screw your air conditioner for maintenance and end up damaging it? That damage would most certainly be beyond your capability to repair. Let the professional's work then, be done by a professional. Maintenance is important but careless maintenance does no good to your home comfort appliances. More than half of customers never carefully read the user guide provided with the products. And then, there's more mess less maintenance. There are several Air Conditioner maintenance tasks that the homeowners can easily do on their own i.e cleaning the filters, covering the unit when not in use, analysing cooling efficiency etc, however, there are several other maintenance tasks that gravely need to be done by professional technicians. To make things all well and all right for you, we do maintenance of your Air Conditioners after once installing them. And here's what we do: Once a maintenance visit, our licensed technical staff: 1. Analyses the overall performance of your AC. 2. Check for repair needs of the indoor or outdoor units 3. Clean and replace the filter 4. Clean the blower 5. Service the ducts And 6. Look for any wiring issues Our technicians also make sure to guide you regarding the further maintenance of your Air Conditioners so that you don't have to face worries when a fully functioning appliances is a need. And now there's something more to tell. Our protection plan! To provide you with ultimately amazing services in the affordable prices, we've set up this wonderful home comfort heating and cooling protection plan. We offer Silver, Gold and Platinum plan choosing which you can enjoy: ● Long term efficient performance of your appliances ● Minimal rates on maintenance and repair ● Free safety and operation inspection ● $500-$800 free repair and labour services Check out details of our protection plan on our protection plan page and don't forget; a professional maintenance has no alternative. Call professionals!